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We give free quotes and bulk order discounts to our customers, which are special features. Our translation services help in making books available to a wider population, regardless of the geographical and language barriers.
Regular (25 hours)
Express (13 hours)
Premium (4 hours)
We’ll match you with the perfect editor for your document.
Our linguists are very thorough and go through each project with a fine-tooth comb. When proofreading a document, they go over the following points:
Our team is well-equipped to understand the subtle nuances that can make a big difference in all areas of language translation.
To get your document proofread, all you need to do is:
We can also work with a wide range of document formats, from Microsoft Word documents to PowerPoint presentations.
86-90 Paul Street, Hackney, London, EC2A 4NE, United Kingdom
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The linguists we work with are highly accomplished at delivering excellent translations, completed on time and within budget
All our interpreters are qualified. As a standard, we also ensure that DBS checks are carried out and that all interpreters adhere to our strict code of conduct. Our aim is to provide faultless interpretations that succinctly communicate your message without confusion.
We’ll match you with the perfect editor for your document.
Our linguists are very thorough and go through each project with a fine-tooth comb
86-90 Paul Street London, EC2A 4NE